Artist: Lẽtum
Album: Distant Dead Stars
Label: Cryo Chamber
Release date: October 2024
I admit that Seeing Cryo Chamber's announcement of a new Lẽtum album a few weeks ago took me completely by surprise. The excellent previous album, Dreams and Illusions, was released barely a year ago on Cyclic Law, and Lẽtum isn't exactly known for being the most prolific artist out there, with just seven albums in two and a half decades of activity (which should by no means be taken as criticism). Any such sudden burst of creativity, especially in an established, mature act, usually augurs quality music, so I was extremely eager to hear the end result.
Most people's familiarity with Lẽtum (including mine) stems from the early 2000s releases on Cold Meat Industry (RIP), so let me start by saying that the project makes a rather different brand of dark ambient nowadays, and the evolution is a largely positive one, at least to my ears. The hallmark CMI elements such as harsh industrial noises, choirs and synths, espoused by fellow 90s prodigies such as Raison d'Etre and (early) Desiderii Marginis, are gone, giving way to a deeper, more introspective sonic environment. The subtle deep rumbles and atmospheric synth-like passages masterfully combine to create an album soaked in atmosphere that feels dark and intriguing, occasionally unnerving but never threatening. The cinematic tinge, equally evoked by the cover art, is much more pronounced than on any previous Lẽtum release; while last year's album felt like a diary, this one feels much more like a collection of short stories, with the storyline just vague enough for the listener to be able to fill the gaps with their personal interpretation. Another standout quality of the album is how dynamic it is, effortlessly changing pace from calm and brooding to powerful and awe-inspiring, often within the same track and occasionally even using the same loop, leaving no doubt that such manipulation of mood can only come from a true master of the dark ambient craft.
In sum, while Distant Dead Stars doesn't break any fundamentally new ground, I find it to be a perfectly executed combination of some of the best elements the genre has to offer. I can only hope Lẽtum will keep up the pace and bless us with another release in 2025 already; if not, this album certainly has sufficient replay value to keep us entertained during the wait.
Rating: 9/10